Monday, April 7, 2014

Global Warming

I never really thought about global warming and the affects that climate change has on agriculture.  There is overwhelming evidence that the earth is warming based on statistical data. It saddened me to know that the developed countries are the cause of so much greenhouse gases but it’s the developing countries who are suffering the most.  1 in 7 people are chronically hungry especially in Africa and Asia. America is better than most countries when it comes to hunger but we still have problems as well. 450 million people depend on agriculture for eating and economical purposes therefore we must do something about global warming and its affects.

I didn’t know I was helping to minimize my carbon footprint when I got my home weatherized a few years back.  I bought my home in 2010 because of the incentives offered to new home owners after the housing crisis of 2008.  A few months after living in the house I notice it was drafty and my heating bill was threw the roof.  So I called a company that came and blew installation in my attic and walls, sealed up cracks and air seeps and put weather stripping around doors. Getting the home weatherized helped my heating bill tremendously, but most importantly helps to reduce emission from my furnace into the atmosphere. I also learned in my science class that Geothermal heating and cooling emits no greenhouse gases in the air but are very expensive in install.  Although it is costly it only requires a small amount of electricity practically eliminating your carbon footprint.  As our guest speaker mentioned in class the government is also trying to help reduce the effects of climate change by offering tax incentives. If you buy a window that’s energy star rated or if you install a geothermal heating system you receive a tax credit, kind of like a payback when you file your income tax returns.

 I could also buy a more fuel efficient car to help reduce the fuel emission I help put in the air.  I really like the Chevy Volt over a Toyota Prius but I can’t afford either one of them right. So I guess for now I can help by walking to the store that’s only two blocks away instead of driving.


  1. Anita, I love how you include personal applications and ways you can do your part, bravo!

  2. It is said how immediately costly it is to "go green" and reduce carbon footprints. And it is human nature to put off anything that will cost us. It is such a sad and horrible cycle.

  3. I really enjoyed your blog! The information you talked about in your blog that he talked about were all good ideas!

  4. You brought up some good things to do. I'll have to keep in mind all of those tax credit things when I buy my own house some day.
